Energy / Big Science
Exceeding technical requirements
Exceeding technical requirements
Coil Cans, CCFE, United Kingdom
A set of #7 different Coil Can halves was supplied by 3D Metal Forming ranging from approximately 1 m. Diameter until 5 m. Diameter. For the largest Diameters we welded the banana shape flat blanks before forming. The forming was done in a 360 degree forming die. Material: 4 mm. thick Stainless steel 316.
Vacuum vessel, SDMS, France
Double Curved 16 mm. thick Stainless Steel panels as supplied by 3D Metal Forming (visible in the front of the vacuum vessel).
Driver Plate, RFX, Italy
A layer of 1 mm. Molybdenum is cladded on a Copper base plate with subsequent waterjet cutting and lip forming steps.